All donations and contributions to the foundation capital are tax deducible in the year of payment. The foundation “Stiftung 100” is recognized at the tax office of the city of Emmendingen as a charitable non-profit organization for the purposes of the Tax Code and registered with the Regional Authorities of Freiburg under AZ .: 14-2214.8 as a foundation under civil law.
The Foundation Account:
Account holder: Stiftung100
Account number: 791 893 5100
BLZ: 430 609 67
IBAN: DE66 4306 0967 7918 9351 00
GLS Bank
Please specify in the transfer subject heading:
for deposits to the foundation capital – keyword : "Stiftungskapital (endowment)"
for donations to current project funding – indicate project name
for donations to fund the Foundation's activities - keyword: "Stiftungsaktivitäten (foundation activities)"
for sponsor contributions - keyword: "Förderbeitrag (subsidy)" or "Fördermitgliedschaft (associate membership)"
(With the current account at the GLS Bank, we decided for a bank that bases its business decisions and lending to ethical and ecological principles. For more information visit