Owner of this website and responsible for the content is
Stefan Naundorf - Chairman
Freiburger Str. 27
79279 Vörstetten
e-mail: Stefan.Naundorf(at)stiftung100.de
internet: www.stiftung100.de
Executive board:
Stefan Naundorf - Vorsitzender
Stephan Jarvers - Stellvertretender Vorsitzender
District court for registration: “Amtsgericht Emmendingen”
Registration number: VR678
Accepted as non-profit organization at the tax office “Emmendingen” by decision issued on 05.06.2007 under number 05085/50158
Content responsible according to § 10 paragraph 3 MDStV:
Stefan Naundorf (address as above)
© All rights reserved by the foundation “Stiftung 100” - registered association (e.V.)
Web design, programming and maintenance
The creative workout and the TYPO3 implementation was carried out by the advertising agency FRANK.COMMUNICATION located in “Singen” at the Lake of Constance, www.frank-com.de
Photos: courtesy of K. Baltruschies
Despite careful control we assume no liability for the content of external links. The respective owners are exclusively responsible for the content of linked pages.